Lunar Eclipse/Super Full Blue Moon

Lunar Eclipse & Super Blue Moon January 31, 2018

This lunar trifecta will light up the night sky on Wednesday January 31, 2018. This will be the first of two Blue Moons that will occur in 2018. The call it a “Blue Moon” because it is the second full moon of the month. The full Blue Moon in Leo will be very bright and large since it will be very close to the earth and this is the second full moon that occurs in January of 2018. A total Lunar Eclipse will be visible in the night of January 31, 2018 and will appear 30% larger than the average full moon. On Wednesday, January 31, the bright, full moon will pass through the shadow of the Earth. For 77 minutes, the usually silvery moon will be covered with a blood-red shadow, thus making it a Blood Moon. This total lunar eclipse will happen during the second full moon this month — a bonus event known as a “blue moon.” Something like this has not occurred in 150 years!

 The best time to look for it is at 6:48 am Eastern. The West Coast will be able to see the full eclipse but will have to be up at 4:51 AM to see it. The Midwest will be able to see it too. In St. Louis, Missouri, people can check out the total eclipse just before sunrise, at 6:51 am Central Time. Alaska and Hawaii will have the best view in the United States. In Honolulu, the total eclipse starts at 2:51 am; in Anchorage, it starts at 3:51 am.

Super Blue Moons are always a wild card when it comes to astrology because it can be an unpredictable, intense time for many! Lunar eclipses can be very emotional. It marks the end of a lunar cycle and the lunar eclipse brings in changes for us.

It is likely that whatever the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse brought into your life is now being wrapped up and resolved with this Super Full Moon/Eclipse. Eclipse energy means change, and new alliances can occur in your life that helps make changes with business, work, money & matters. Plans maybe created that involve a personal or business move. There is often progress in business and financial matters too. Eclipses often bring intense changes and emotions to our lives. They illuminate areas of our lives that need attention. This lunar eclipse is a good time for introspection and a great time to change old habits or patterns. This lunar eclipse will bring shifts in our lives and expect changes.

This eclipse will affect each astrological sign differently.

Aries: The lunar eclipse occurs in your 5th House which rules Creativity, Self-Expression and Children in our lives. Children in our life will be going through important changes. Family members may be more temperamental. Be more patient with family at this time. Express yourself and let your true feelings be known. A pregnancy could be possible at this time. You may need a repair in the home.

Taurus: The lunar eclipse occurs in your 4th house of home and family. May bring more drama on the home front. Now is the time to make changes in your personal life. The eclipse occurs right while you are experiencing a yearly career peak. Expect job changes. This moon can mean more work for you so learn how to balance things at this time.

Gemini: The lunar eclipse affects you strongly and occurs in your 3rd house of communication. Gemini's year is all about focusing in on work and health. Yoga and meditation will be good at this time. Every lunar eclipse affects your finances since the moon is your financial planet. The 31st brings more enthusiasm and financial power.

Cancer: The lunar eclipse on the 31st occurs in your money house. It’s time to re-think and change your financial strategy. Every lunar eclipse is especially important to Cancers because the moon is the ruler of their horoscope. Take it easy during this period and spend more time at home. You will be redefining yourself and changing your image this year and the lunar eclipse brings this front and center for you.

Leo: The lunar eclipse occurs in your own sign and in your 12th house of spiritualty. The reveals that you need to redefine your image and be clear who you are and how others perceive you. This period also brings a harvest for you and changes with your job.

Virgo: The eclipse will affect you mildly and occurs in your 12th house of spirituality so you may involved in spiritual or metaphysical matters. You may feel the need to be alone and retreat and reflect during this time.

Libra: This lunar eclipse occurs in your 11th house of Friends and may test these relationships. It could bring drama and complication for you. High tech gadgets may also get tested during this time. Career changes are happening too.

Scorpio: The lunar eclipse occurs in your 10th house of career. You may experience some shakeups in your company. Avoid foreign travel if you can during this period.

Sagittarius: This lunar eclipse may affect you strongly. It occurs in your 9th house of intellectual disputes and foreign travel. Sagittarians loves travel but it’s best to avoid travel during this eclipse period. Job changes may happen and there could be disruptions in the workplace.

Capricorn: This lunar eclipse occurs in your 8th house of regeneration so avoid dangerous situations during this time if you can. Your partner may experience financial changes or a personal crisis during this time. Your current relationship gets tested. Avoid signing contracts during this time.

Aquarius: The lunar eclipse brings excitement and change for you. It does occur in your 7th house of love so it could test a current relationship. This eclipse with bring job and health changes. Look into a new exercise routine or change your diet for the better.

Pisces: This eclipse occurs in your 6th house of health and work. The 31st brings changes to your health regime. There could be job changes or even shake ups at your place of employment. You may receive a bonus, promotion or pay raise during this time. The eclipse will also you to redefine yourself in a positive way.

Jamie Lynn