Psychic Readings and Your Role

As Psychics, we predict and get messages regarding future events. When you ask advice from a psychic they tell you what they see. You must remember that you need to do your part too. This allows you to develop and grow. If there are roadblocks...

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Jamie Lynn
2017 A New Beginning

The USA starts off transferring Presidential Power. The shift will affect people and cause much apprising. There will be many changes made for the better, even if it’s difficult to see now. The divided...

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Jamie Lynn
2016 The Year of Completion

I should have wrote this at the beginning of the year but brushed it off, mostly in denial. 2016 is the Year of Completion. I do not remember a year with so many celebrity deaths. I predicted that after Carried Fisher died that 2 more famous people...

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Jamie Lynn
Keeping the Holiday Traditions Alive

The holidays are a great time. The time for lights, hot coco, candy canes, festive music and cheer. Despite the magic and the twinkling lights, this magical time of year can hit home for those who have lost their loved ones! My advice to clients...

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Jamie Lynn
Seeing the San Bernardino Tragedy

t was a clear sunny day on December 2, 2015 in Southern California. Jaime was visiting a local college about 40 miles from San Bernardino, CA. Off the major highway where a terrible tragedy was about to happen in San Bernardino. As Jaime was getting...

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Jamie Lynn
Healing Benefits of Lavender Oil

Essential Oils have been around for centuries. They are very healing and there are many therapeutic uses for them. In ancient times essential oils were used by Priests & Priestesses.  Essential Oils were known to attract spirits, gods and goddesses and to banish evil...

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Jamie Lynn