The Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is called the Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthanalt which is Sanskrit for “One’s own Dwelling.” It is represented by the color orange, the element of fire. It symbolizes strength and hope for a new day. The sacral chakra is associated with your enjoyment in life. It is associated with the element of water. Any type of water therapy will heal your sacral chakra.

 The Sacral Chakra is located about three inches below the belly button.  It is associated with the lymphatic system of the body which is a series of tissues and organs that assist the body of getting rid of toxins.  The sacral center is associated with our emotions and creativity. It is a place where we feel pleasure and enjoyment of the things in life. When the sacral chakra is balanced, we experience a balance of emotions and we tend to have a high self esteem and feel confident with ourselves. We experience life to the fullest, have a zest for life and feel more confident in ourselves and in our decision making.

When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, we may overindulge in food, alcohol or drugs. You may also be out of touch with your emotions and feel stuck in a particular mood such as sadness. You may have creative blocks and tend to second guess yourself and your decisions. You may also suffer from kidney, stomach or low back issues.

When the sacral chakra is overcharged, we may experience mood swings, feel dependent on others, have an addictive personality and simply feel overwhelmed by everyday life.

You can balance your sacral chakra by taking a bath or even going for a swim and being connected to water. Exploring your creativity will help to open this chakra. Examples of creative expression include: painting, writing, drama, dance and sewing. Yoga will help too and the following poses will open the sacral chakra: The Frog, Open Angel and Goddess.

A three to five minute daily meditation will help open your sacral chakra. Sit in a quiet place with your legs crossed. Close your eyes. Take several deep slow deep breaths in and out. Be aware of your breath. Breathe into your sacral chakra and envision a small, bright orange light coming out of your navel area. With each deep breath in, imagine the orange light getting bigger and bigger. Imagine the bright orange light warming and surrounding your body and keeping you comforted.  With each breath, imagine this orange ray of energy washing away, clearing any blocks, negative emotions and trauma from your life. Imagine the waves of orange energy filling up your aura, making you stronger and more confident in yourself. Take one last deep breath in and out. Say the following affirmation: “I am confident in my decisions and I love myself.” Open your eyes.

Essential Oils that assist in opening your sacral chakra include: Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood and Orange oil. You can use these oils during the meditation, you can add them to a diffuser or a warm bath or mix them with a carrier oil and dab them on your temples, or wrists.

Any orange foods will assist to open the sacral chakra. These include: Oranges, Sweet Potatoes and Orange Bell Peppers.

I also recommend using the stone Citrine for your sacral chakra. You can carry it with you in your purse or pocket during the day. I also recommend holding it in your hands when you meditate.

When your Sacral Chakra is aligned, your personal relationships and creativity will become more positive and balanced.

Jamie Lynn